
Policy Documents

Please find below Policy Documents for The Acorn Partnership.
Paper copies of all information on the school website is available free of charge from the school office. If you would like any documents in large print please let us know.
Attendance Policy DDAT 2023.pdf
2023-2024 Acorn Federation SEND Information Report.docx
2023-2024 Acorn Federation Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy (1).docx
Absence - Authorised Leave of Absence - June 2024.docx
Accessibility Plan.pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy - March 2024 (2).docx
Appraisal Policy - March 2024.doc
Assessment Policy.pdf
Behaviour Policy - September 2023.docx
Behaviour Statement of Principles.pdf
BYOD Procedure.pdf
Charges and Remissions Policy.pdf
Children with health needs - March 2024.docx
Children with health needs who can not attend school.pdf
Children's Car Seats.pdf .pdf
Code of Conduct for Employees .pdf
Code of Conduct Trustees and Governors DDAT.pdf
Competence of Teachers.pdf
Computing Policy.pdf
Confidential Reporting Code (Whistleblowing Policy).pdf
Confidentiality Policy.pdf
CPD Policy - March 2024.doc
Critical Incident Plan - January 2024 (3).docx
Data Protection Framework Document.pdf
Data Protection Policy for Schools including Annexes.pdf
DBS & SCR Policy DDAT.docx
DDAT - Social media policy Final Sept 21.pdf
DDAT Business Continuity Plan December 2023.docx
DDAT Business Continuity Plan.docx
DDAT Complaints Procedure December 2023 final (1).docx
DDAT Disciplinary Procedure Feb 2022 (1).pdf
DDAT Financial Handbook 2023 approved 16th December 2023.pdf
DDAT Health and Safety Policy March.pdf
DDAT Physical Intervention Policy.docx
DDAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf
DDAT School Improvement Policy January 2024 (1).pdf
DDAT Whistleblowing Policy.docx
Debit Card Policy.pdf
DfE Exclusion Guidance.pdf
Drug Education.pdf
Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy.pdf
Equality Duty - March 2024.docx
Equality Objectives and Statement.docx
External Contributors and Speakers Guidance.pdf
Extremism and Radicalisation Policy.pdf
EYFS Policy.docx
Financial Procedures and Regulations.pdf
Fire Safety.pdf
First Aid Policy.docx
Governor Code of Conduct.pdf
Governor Roles and Responsibilities.pdf
Grievance Procedure DDAT.doc
HANDi APP.pdf .pdf
Harassment and Bullying Procedure.pdf
Induction Procedures - June 2024.docx
Intimate Care Policy - June 2024.docx
IT Security and Acceptable Use Policy.pdf
LAC Code of Conduct - June 2024.docx
Leaving Children at home alone.pdf
Management of Sickness Absence - Guidance.pdf
Managing Allegations - staff & volunteers.pdf
Managment of Stress policy.pdf
Medical Conditions Policy.pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf
Monitoring and Evaluation Policy - March 2024.docx
Off Site Working Procedure.pdf
Offsite Visits Policy.pdf
Online Safety Policy - May 2024.pdf
Part-time Timetable Policy - May 2024.docx
Physical Intervention Policy.pdf
Presentation Policy.pdf
Prevent Duty Policy.pdf
Privacy notice for school-workforce.pdf
Privacy Notice Pupil.pdf
Private Fostering Policy.pdf
Protocol for Governor Visits to Classrooms.doc
Record Retention.pdf
Recruitment and Selection Policy DDAT.docx
RHE Policy.docx
Safeguarding Guidance - Parents.pdf
School Security Policy.pdf
Separated Parents Policy.docx
SMSC Policy.pdf
Staff and Visitors Code of Conduct Policy DDAT.pdf
Staying Safe - Information for Children.pdf
Supervision Policy - May 2024.pdf
Suspension and Exclusion Policy - May 2024.pdf
Taking Care of our Teeth.pdf
Teachers Pay Policy December 2023 final (1).docx
Using Parental Controls for the Internet.pdf
Visitor Policy - May 2024.pdf
Volunteer Working in School Policy - March 2024.docx